Tuesday, March 15, 2022
How To End A Novel Study
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
I've been thinking about student mental health lately. A thousand years ago, when I was in college, all I wanted to do was to be a child therapist. I interned at the local mental health center in the children's program and loved every minute of it. In grad school, I worked as a liaison between the mental health center and a child's family. It was the most enlightening experience I'd had up to that point.
Sadly, in NC, just as many other states, I'm sure, the state mental health organization got broken into pieces (sort of what I believe the "choice" folks and some politicians want to do with public schools). Now there is no central location for mental health services anywhere in my state.
Which leads me to my point. Since my daughter attends the same school I work in, I'm now privy to some uncomfortable conversations regarding kids in disheartening situations. It's not that I didn't hear gossip before now; it's just that I could pretend that my ears were closed. It's not that I didn't refer kids to the guidance counselor who would take care of them; it's just that now, I don't know who to start with.
And the problems the kids exhibit aren't the normal my-family-has-no-food, even though, that definitely happens regularly. Nope...these problems are more sexual in nature, and dealing with grief because the grandparents who they've lived with since elementary school died with Covid, and homes that have burned from faulty wiring in a condemned house so the family still lives in a motel.
Like, these kids are suffering! And I don't see anything innovative or imaginative that the staff at my school is doing to help. When the kids get in trouble, we suspend/punish/nag at them. I know it's not just the kids, but the families who are absolutely suffering unimaginable grief. And if my grad school job taught me anything, it's that when I made sure the kid's mom was okay, that kid I worked with was fine. He could function in a regular school in a regular classroom like a regular kid. But when mom was out of control or stressed, guess what?
So unless and until mental health gets put on the top of the To Do list instead of the Someday list, nothing changes. I'm not sure I believe the "kids are all right." I'm worried.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Another Board Meeting That Stinks
Day 8 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge
As I sit here trying to think about my day and what was important, I'm listening to my district's school board meeting. There are 7 members plus the superintendent made of people who I'm sure totally believe what they say. But....not ONE of them actually talk to the teachers they make rules for. Like, I'm so angry that they made face coverings optional in OCTOBER 2021 when the county's (and country's) infection rates were sky-high!
Then, there's the whole money/budge issue -- priorities are for sports. Every time.
And extra pay for employees during covid? Every district around us got a bonus (some districts got up to $5,000!); us, though, a big fat zero! Nothing.
I shouldn't be surprised. I shouldn't even care, especially since my plan is to get out of here in two years. But these decisions are par for the course for the elected board members in this district. Teachers are last on the rung for recognition or help or being in the room when decisions are made.
This is a phenomenon all over the country. Something has to give, right?
(from my Twitter feed today 😢)
Monday, March 7, 2022
My Musical Group
Today is day 7 of the Slice of Life challenge. Click the picture to learn more.
I have so many pets in my house: a dog, 3 cats, and 2 fish. Like, there is always someone wanting to eat or for me to clean up after. The dog's name is Bella and the kitties' names are Cleo, Grace, and Jasper. The fish are Tony Shark and Randall.
Every time my daughter and I leave the house, we tell Bella we'll be back soon (and Lily says she loves her), and we tell Cleo that she's in charge. However, when I talk about them to other people, I always name them Bella and The Cats as if they are a musical group.
Lily says I should write about them so everyone who reads my blog will be entertained. So, here is my idea of how my pets' musical group deals during the day while Lily and I are at school.
Jasper is the baby, so he's the one that gets the girls their gigs. Pretty sure he makes the calls while everyone in the house sleeps.
He's the drummer and back-up singer. Dude is the hip-hop guru and keeps the girls fresh and in the game.
Grace, the middle child, is the trouble-maker. There's no way that the concert ends with her NOT getting into a fight -- most of the time with her own drummer. Grace is the loudest singer with the worst voice; pretty sure she'd never make it past the first round on American Idol. But, what she doesn't have in talent, she makes up for in getting the audience hyped up -- clapping, cheering, singing along. Her specialties are the tambourine and the keytar.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
On This Day
Day 6 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge
Two major events happened on this day in history: Cyrano de Bergerac and Elizabeth Barrett Browning were both born on March 3.
Browning wrote one of my favorite poems: "How Do I Love Thee." I remember reading this as a sophomore in high school and copying it in my diary. I just knew that one day I'd love a guy as much as Elizabeth did and when I gave him this poem, we'd be together forever. Needless to say, that's not how my life worked out. 😜
I teach the Edmond Rostand play, Cyrano de Bergerac - the play is about a romantic hero who was not handsome, yet he loved a woman named Roxanne even though she was in love with a handsome guy named Christian. I love teaching the play in February when all the little kids are so love-struck and think they will never have the kind of love they want. Reading Cyrano lets me take them through a journey with love - and that we should tell people how we feel about them rather than letting life get away from us. It's always a fun unit to teach; the kids get so roped in with the love triangle among Cyrano, Roxanne, and Christian.
Love must be my theme of the day! So I'm leaving both the Browning poem and the trailer for the Kevin Kline play as the lead in Cyrano. What are some brave love stories/peoms you've read or teach?
Saturday, March 5, 2022
When Is It Enough?
Today is Day 5 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge. Click the pic for more info!
As I sit here on a Saturday night, thinking of all the school things I should have finished today, I can't help thinking: when is it enough?
This semester, I'm teaching a new subject -- AP Language & Composition -- along with my usual sophomore English and being the adviser for the yearbook. I also have an online English elective for Mythology, so my days are pretty full.
In the Before Times, I spent most of Sunday planning and grading; but lately, I just cannot bring myself to do any of that. The more I think about all the ways my job has gotten more difficult over my 25-year career, the more aggravated I become. Then, I come across this post on Instagram:
Friday, March 4, 2022
Poetry Done Messed Me Up!
Thursday, March 3, 2022
13 Things I Can't Live Without
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Charlotte Weaves Her Web Again
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Passwords & Promises
Today is Day 1 of March's Slice of Life Challenge. Click the pic to find out more!
I had to change my password at school today -- an actual change in a password not done since 2017. The last numbers of said password was 2017, so this is pretty significant. Changing passwords is like the worst thing in the world (except trying to think about what to make for dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY, but that's a different blog post!), and today was a bad day to try to to make a major change.
But I did it. 🙂
Now, I know that changing a password isn't all that interesting -- I mean, who doesn't change passwords all the time? But in thinking about how to now be NOT 2017, I had to figure out what I am. Thus, the "promise" in my title.
My daughter, who I used to write about many years ago, graduates high school in 2024. The promise I've made to myself is that in her last year, it's time for a change for me as well.
These two years of the pandemic have taken a toll on so many of us, and it's so easy to get discouraged or complacent. Although this promise has been a long time coming, I'm feeling it is more important than before the pandemic started.
I'm not sure that I want to stop teaching --I'll still have about three years before I can retire--but I think I'd like to change positions. Middle school? Community college? Something totally different? I just love the idea of DIFFERENT! A new challenge ~ new friends to make ~ new town & experiences!! What could be better?
Anyway, I moved my password from 2017 to 2024 so that everytime I enter it, I'm reminded of the promise of change --new fun on the horizon!
How To End A Novel Study
Today is day 15 of the Slice of Life Challenge. My class of juniors in the Advanced Placement Language & Composition class have finish...
This is Day 3 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge. There's so many ways that life has changed since the pande...
Today is day 4 of the SOLSC at 2 Writing Teachers. Click the picture to join us! I know it's only the fourth day of this challenge, b...
Day 6 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge Two major events happened on this day in history: Cyrano de Bergerac and Elizabeth Barrett Brow...