Monday, March 7, 2022

My Musical Group


Today is day 7 of the Slice of Life challenge. Click the picture to learn more. 

    I have so many pets in my house: a dog, 3 cats, and 2 fish. Like, there is always someone wanting to eat or for me to clean up after. The dog's name is Bella and the kitties' names are Cleo, Grace, and Jasper. The fish are Tony Shark and Randall.

    Every time my daughter and I leave the house, we tell Bella we'll be back soon (and Lily says she loves her), and we tell Cleo that she's in charge. However, when I talk about them to other people, I always name them Bella and The Cats as if they are a musical group. 

    Lily says I should write about them so everyone who reads my blog will be entertained. So, here is my idea of how my pets' musical group deals during the day while Lily and I are at school. 

Jasper is the baby, so he's the one that gets the girls their gigs. Pretty sure he makes the calls while everyone in the house sleeps. 

He's the drummer and back-up singer. Dude is the hip-hop guru and keeps the girls fresh and in the game. 

Bella is the lead singer, guitarist, and the one who cleans up after the others. She loves to sing rock & roll, specifically, Bon Jovi and a little Joan Jett. She's getting older, so her hips aren't as limber as they used to be -- but those hips don't lie!

Cleo is the lead on keyboard and the one who makes sure the others don't get roofied or too inebriated. She doesn't take anything from those whiny squirrels just looking for trouble! She's the one who's going to slow down the dance floor with Adele ballads --also, Sarah McLachlan is her spirit human.

Grace, the middle child, is the trouble-maker. There's no way that the concert ends with her NOT getting into a fight -- most of the time with her own drummer. Grace is the loudest singer with the worst voice; pretty sure she'd never make it past the first round on American Idol. But, what she doesn't have in talent, she makes up for in getting the audience hyped up -- clapping, cheering, singing along. Her specialties are the tambourine and the keytar.

    Bella and The Cats put on a show most days when their humans are at work. They stopped touring during spring of 2020 when the humans were at home all the time. Bella, of course, loved every minute of them being home, but The Cats spent most days arguing, hoping to send the humans out of the way so they could get some music in them. 

    They take requests to get together with other groups. Just email Jasper at: bella&cats4U@thegoogledotcom.

P.S. The fish don't participate in the concerts -- they are the lookouts since Bella is an awful guard dog!

1 comment:

  1. This post was such a delight to read! I was laughing out loud over Grace getting in a fight with her drummer and being the loudest singer with the worst voice. I can just imagine! Such a creative way to write about your lively pet household!


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